Vision, Mission, Values

The Tiger Foundation

Our Vision & Mission

To become an empowered dynamic effective and vibrant organisation by inculcating the core values of culture to create a healthy, compassionate and responsive world. Rooted in love, justice and trust, a respect for the dignity of life and spirit of hope, The Tiger Foundation partners with people – especially the unwanted, uncared and unloved to help them to achieve their full potential.

Our Values

The Tiger Foundation is a value driven organisation. It strongly believes that values are the foundations on which an organisation is built and these represent the core beliefs and convictions of an organisation. In fact, they describe what the organisation stands for. Values establish moral and ethical priorities, which serve to guide all organisational activities. The organisational principles, standards and qualities are also reflected through its practicing values. The Tiger Foundation has identified the following organisational core values and it places equal importance on all the values.

Key Objectives

  • To work for the welfare of the General public through various programmers, lectures & demonstrations
  • To promote educational, social and economic welfare of general public.
  • To advance presence and promote the spiritual, social cultural and moral principles & share values.
  • To promote, give impart spread and advance education in all its branches including academics technical, vocational and professional amongst poor needy destitute and orphan children.
  • To conduct first aid training to poor and descending people and people staying in tribal areas.
  • To give educational help to poor and descending students
  • To give medical help to the poor people and tribal people and arrange medical camps, seminars and work shops
  • To promote human right and fight against corruption etc
  • To educate the street child
  • AIDS awareness programme for tribal people & urban people
  • Cataract surgery project
  • Taking care & the nutritional status of children
  • Educating the unorganised & unskilled labour with reference to – HIV, TB, education alcohol
  • Tribal area redevelopment as very few NGO; are working for tribal areas in true sense. In that section, society problems from education to health and related problems are very common and we shall try to bring them in the social main stream of developing India.

Serve Humanity Foundation
